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With no swim bladder to regulate buoyancy—a structure that would collapse under such extreme pressure—the blobfish relies on its low-density, fatty tissue to hover effortlessly above the seafloor.—Scott Travers, Forbes, 30 Dec. 2024 The fifth rib is pulled forward during muscle contractions, which creates tension on the drumming cartilage, before the cartilage is released to strike the swim bladder.—Scott Travers, Forbes, 19 Oct. 2024 Poachers were cutting into the fishes' bellies onshore, pulling out the swim bladder and leaving the big animals on the sand to rot in the sun.—Erik Vance, Scientific American, 1 Aug. 2017 The people charged with policing poachers are not trained to identify body parts such as swim bladders from particular animals.—Erik Vance, Scientific American, 1 Aug. 2017 See All Example Sentences for swim bladder